Grant Power! Free Money for Startups: Your Guide to Winning Small Business Grants

Grant Power! Free Money for Startups: Your Guide to Winning Small Business Grants

A small business startup is thrilling but scary. To turn one’s passion into a successful business, it requires not only a good plan but also the resources to implement it. This is where small business grants come in, bridging the gap between your vision and reality.

Grant Power! Free Money for Startups: Your Guide to Winning Small Business Grants

Understanding the Power of Grants

An award given by a government agency, foundation, or corporation to start or grow a business is referred to as a small business grant. It does not have to be paid back like loans, making it ideal for entrepreneurs.

There are various types of grants, with each having its own focus area and eligibility criteria. This can be directed towards specific sectors such as clean energy or health care, among others, while some might assist veterans or minorities in their businesses. Get equipped with different kinds of grants and their qualification requirements so that you will find what you exactly need for your companies.

Why Grants Matter: The Benefits of Free Funding

There are many reasons why small businesses should consider getting grants:

  • Financial Support Without Equity Stake: Unlike loans or venture capital, grants provide financial support without requiring you to part with ownership or equity in your company. You can make all decisions regarding your firm alone.
  • Opportunities for Growth and Expansion: Through grant funding, your fortunes could change completely, allowing you to put money into tangible areas such as advertising campaigns, the purchase of equipment, or even hiring new employees. In this manner, this injection may push forward any firm, leading to its rapid growth.
  • Increased Credibility and Visibility: If you are awarded a grant in support of your project idea, then people will take your entity more seriously since they now know that it has been approved by relevant authorities, thereby increasing its visibility and credibility and attracting other customers whose interests match well with yours as an entrepreneur, like investors who would want to invest their money in something worth investing in!

Where to Find Small Business Grants

The universe of small business grants can seem very large and confusing. Nevertheless, you can identify the right funding opportunities for your firm through a focused approach. Here are some key areas to explore:

Government Grants:

  • Federal Grants: The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is a central hub for federal grant programs. For instance, they may focus on specific industries, research and development projects, or disaster mitigation processes.
  • State Grants: Many state governments offer their grant programs to support local businesses. Check with your state’s economic development office or Department of Commerce for possible opportunities.

Private Grants:

  • Corporate Grants: Major companies frequently have their own grants that they may give depending on what they think is worth investing in from their social corporate responsibility perspective, especially if it falls under an industry of interest to them. Investigate companies within your line of business and see whether they provide grants to eligible firms.
  • Non-Profit Organization Grants: Non-profit organizations dedicated to certain causes or communities provide grants to businesses that align with their mission statements. See what potential funding sources exist by visiting relevant non-profit organization websites.

Online Resources and Databases:

Several online resources compile databases of grants for small businesses. These portals allow you to look up awards based on various search options, such as location or industrial specifications, among others. Here are some examples:

  • (Federal Grants)
  • National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE) Grant Resource Center
  • BusinessUSA

Do not forget that you must search, be patient, and keep track of this application. Go through the eligibility criteria and submission requirements for each grant you apply for comprehensively. Develop your application to show how your business is in line with the objectives of the grant and indicate how funding would affect the success of your venture.

Winning Strategies: Crafting a Compelling Grant Application

While there are many opportunities for grants, winning one is strategic. Here’s what to do:

  • Research and Due Diligence: An extensive study is necessary. Check out all available grant programs, scrutinize eligibility conditions keenly, and make sure that your business strictly fits into the mission statement and goals of the specific grant. Apply for only those programs that relate to what you are doing instead of making blanket applications to institutions whose objectives have no bearing on your business.
  • Crafting a Compelling Business Plan: Clear, defined outlines set by a business strategy guarantee its success. Create a document that spells out your firm’s concept, target marketrevenue model, and future growth projections. It shows that your company can be successful when it comes to potential investors or lenders.
  • Highlighting Community or Industry Impact: Grants often prefer businesses that give back more than just profit. What will be the benefit of your organization to society? Is it going to provide jobs? Innovate new technology. Solve social problems. Highlight these points so that they make an impression on competitors in this market segment.
  • Building Relationships with Grant Providers: The Key is Networking! Connect with representatives from various grant agencies; attend related workshops; and participate in industry events. Through building up relationships, people trust you more, and besides, it gives insights into what the selection process looks like.
  • Professional Application Submission: First impressions matter. Make sure your application gets reread properly and meets all submission rules without mistakes. Proofread meticulously; check deadlines again; they may lead to your disqualification.

Real-World Inspiration: Case Studies of Grant Success

Seeing is believing! Below are some real-life stories of companies that have turned grants into a vehicle for remarkable achievements:

  • Example 1: GreenTech Glory – Think about a start-up working on an innovative solar energy system. This company qualified for a taxpayer grant to finance their new technology’s research and development costs. They used the grant money to improve their product, field-test it, and finally introduce a revolutionary solar panel system which will provide a better environment for future generations.
  • Example 2: Sustainable Style – A small clothing manufacturer committed to environmentalism got an amount from its corporate partners for implementing sustainable manufacturing practices. Therefore, they managed to buy organic textiles, introduce energy-saving equipment, and use responsible garbage recycling techniques. It has resulted in increased ecological credibility and attracted more customers concerned with the issue, thus securing its niche in this market.

These success stories demonstrate the transformative power of grant funding. You can also make use of grants as catalysts for your business’ growth by presenting a well-detailed project that matches the objectives set by the donor.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls: The Road Less Traveled by Grant Mistakes

The journey towards getting grant money is full of challenges. Be cautious about these common mistakes:

  • Incomplete or Incorrect Applications: Lack of information or errors may result in instant disqualification from consideration. Take utmost care in filling out all sections appropriately and attaching all necessary documents together with your application form.
  • Misalignment of Goals: You should not lead your business into a grant that does not fit. Ensure the company’s goals and objectives are consistent with those of the grant. A mismatch between your vision and their priorities will weaken your application.
  • Ignoring Reporting Requirements: It is important to note that receiving a grant often entails reporting obligations. Remember all deadlines for progress reports and financial statements, as well as any other necessary documentation required by the provider of grants. Failure to do so may put future funding at risk.

By understanding these pitfalls and implementing the winning strategies outlined above, you’ll be well on your way to crafting a compelling grant application and securing the financial resources needed to turn your entrepreneurial dream into a thriving reality.


Small business grants act like rocket fuel for startups, thus providing them with financial thrust to overcome initial challenges and achieve long-term success in this direction. By strategically researching the various grants available, creating an attractive proposal, and avoiding common mistakes, one can change his or her small business from just an idea into a real company. Grant funding can provide a platform where the entrepreneurial journey starts with empowering one’s positive impact. Start exploring today, and let there be fire!

AI and the Arts: Can Machines Create Art?

AI and the Arts: Can Machines Create Art?

The scope of artificial intelligence (AI) is continuing to expand, changing industries and redefining how we perceive what is happening in the world. This has made it difficult to distinguish between human intelligence and machine intelligence, as AI can now compose music and even write news articles that appear real. One such area of exploration that sparks curiosity is the intersection of AI and art: can machines create art or are they simply advanced tools capable of mimicking human creativity?

AI and the Arts: Can Machines Create Art?

Defining Art and Creativity: A Complex Landscape

Before getting into AI-generated art, it is important to establish starting points with regards to art and creativity. Art, broadly speaking, can be defined as the expression of thoughts and imagination by humans through a variety of media ranging from painting, sculpture, music, or literature. On the contrary, creativity refers to coming up with new ideas or concepts. It is an intricate feature typical for humans, which includes things like envisioning solutions and being able to see outside the box.

Historically, the definition of art has been fluid and contentious. As civilization evolved from cave paintings to masterpieces of the Renaissance period, so did the concept of art changed. The appreciation for art often depends on subjective opinion, where cultural upbringing blends with personal experience to understand when something reaches artistic excellence.

Enter AI: A New Player in the Artistic Arena

AI has been a captivating presence in the world of fine arts more recently. Through methods such as deep learningneural networks, and complex algorithms, among other techniques, AI can process huge amounts of data on artwork and generate some creative outputs like:

  • Visual Art: From photorealistic landscapes to abstract paintings, AI makes beautiful images come alive virtually. For instance, there are algorithms which could be trained on particular styles and, if used, would tell Van Gogh’s brushwork apart from Mondrian’s geometric patterns.
  • Music: By following existing genres or straying into new sonic territories, AI algorithms are now capable of composing original music.
  • Literature: AI can sometimes write poems, scripts, and short stories with remarkable coherence and narrative structure.

Nonetheless, the question remains as to whether AI is actually creating art or if it is merely copying and transforming given data.

The Debate Over Artistic Authenticity

The rise of AI art has provoked a heated debate on the issue of artistic authenticity. Some key points include:

  • The Argument for AI Art: Supporters argue that there is true creativity in AI-generated art. While producing such works, the algorithms do not just copy existing ones but rather manipulate them by mixing different elements.
  • The Role of Intentionality: Detractors assert that AI lacks the intentionality and emotional depth so characteristic of human expression in art. Often, art represents emotions, experiences, and worldviews held by the artist. Can a machine fully recreate these human traits?
  • Human Input in AI Art: It’s important to acknowledge the involvement of humans in creating AI-generated art. For example, artists often prepare the data sets used for training an artificial intelligence algorithm, which then determines what style or direction should be taken by its output work. Furthermore, human artists might also refine or complete pieces created by artificial intelligence, thus making it difficult to determine ownership.

The Integration of AI: A Spectrum of Views

AI integration garners mixed opinions in the art community. Some artists, including code writers and digital artists, have adopted AI as a new artistic tool. For them, AI algorithms serve as instruments to produce new forms of expression that go beyond conventional art practices.

However, some critics argue that AI-generated artwork is void of emotional depth and the activeness inherent in human creation. They insist that genuine art emanates from a purely human experience that encapsulates personal struggle, societal change, and raw emotions.

Meanwhile, scholars see AI as a collaborator rather than competing with it. They predict that AI will support artists in different ways, such as by creating variations on their ideas or composing complicated musical pieces. Such collaborative strategies might be seen as the basis for a renaissance of artistic expression.

Democratization or Commercialization? The Double-Edged Sword of AI

The potential democratization of art by AI is undeniable. By using AI tools, anyone with basic knowledge can create such art as music or visuals. This would empower a new generation of artists who could not create traditional art because they lacked resources and technical expertise.

However, it is also feared that, through commercializing art, this technology may end up leading to commodification. When mass production becomes controlled by a computer program like artificial intelligence (AI), divergence in terms of unique creative expressions goes down the drain. Thus, one could find themselves focused on producing “designer art” aimed at meeting specific market segments, possibly stifling real artistic exploration.

Ethical Considerations: A Brush with Responsibility

The development and application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within artistic realms raise several ethical concerns. Questions surrounding intellectual property rights over artworks generated by AI must be answered first. Should it belong to an artist who employed an AI technique they learned from programming, or to those who wrote the source code?

Moreover, there’s also serious concern about possible bias and offensive works produced by an AI system. Machine Learning algorithms are trained on existing datasets, which could reinforce societal biases. Therefore, to have AI-generated art that is sensitive and inclusive, training data needs active curation.

The Evolving Relationship Between AI and Art: A Collaborative Future

Looking into the future, the future of AI in art is becoming more collaborative. Humans will probably still steer creativity, while AI may be a powerful tool for exploration and execution at their disposal. Artists might look to use the technology as a way of experimenting with themes, experimenting with different styles, or even making complex musical compositions. In this sense, new types of art may emerge that blend human creativity with the unlimited possibilities offered by AI.

Fostering Dialogue and Critical Thinking

It is important to encourage discussion and critical thinking about the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in art as it continues to develop. The questions raised by AI-generated art must be answered collectively by art institutions, artists themselves, and the public at large. This ongoing discourse will shape the destiny of art as well as keep AI within its locus as a tool for artistic expression rather than an alternative to human creativity.


The effect of AI on art is a multifaceted palette. Some people think that it threatens human creativity, while others view it as an opportunity for an artistic revolution through collaboration. The real future of art lies somewhere within these views. To make sure that AI enhances rather than diminishes the art landscape, accepting it as a tool and promoting open conversation about its ethical aspects are crucial steps to be taken. The coming age of AI will lead to a lively tapestry in which humans and machines work together, providing new ways of expression.

Building Venture Capital’s Future: Pavilion Pioneer Square Labs 0.1 Startup

Building Venture Capital's Future: Pavilion Pioneer Square Labs 0.1 Startup

Economic progress is a symphony. It’s the one leading funds into pioneering concepts that disrupt markets and redefine everything. Venture capital is the trigger for innovation, which, in turn, drives economic growth and creates jobs.

This article talks about Pavilion Pioneer Square Labs (PSL) 0.1 Startup as a new initiative. We will delve into how this program started, who started it, and their ambitious goals of nurturing phenomenal startups to maturity.

Building Venture Capital's Future: Pavilion Pioneer Square Labs 0.1 Startup

The Powerhouse Partnership: Pavilion and Pioneer Square Labs

Pavilion and Pioneer Square Labs (PSL) are names that have long stood for fostering tech-sector innovation. 

  • Pavilion is a collaborative workplace where entrepreneurs can thrive in partnership with startups. It is an active ecosystem where ideas grow, relationships are made, and companies take shape.
  • On the other hand, Pioneer Square Labs represents one of the most prominent venture capitalist firms that have been able to identify potential start-ups worth investing in projects. They offer not only money but also mentorship to help start-ups navigate through start-up problems.

Together, they created something great—the Pavilion Pioneer Square Labs 0.1 Startup initiative.

Unveiling Pavilion Pioneer Square Labs 0.1 Startup

The Pavilion Pioneer Square Labs 0.1 Startup was aimed at promoting innovation during the earliest stages, referred to as the ‘0.1’ phase before any substantial development or fundraising had taken place.

Here are some of the major goals of this program:

  • Identifying Promising Concepts: Pavilion PSL 0.1 Startup hopes to find brilliant concepts capable of revolutionizing industries from scratch. This entails looking beyond well-versed presentations while exploring top-notch skills by those who may be still learning themselves.
  • Building a Strong Foundation: The program does not give money merely for good ideas; instead, it gives essential support in the early stages, helping founders refine their ideas, develop strong business plans, and recruit a team of professionals.
  • Fostering a Collaborative Ecosystem: The program links Pavilion’s power with the strength of PSL, giving startups the chance to join an active community of mentorsinvestors, and other entrepreneurs. In this environment, people can get direction from others and receive support as well.
  • Accelerating Growth: By offering resourcesmentorship, and co-working space at the Pavilion start-up platform, the initiative aims to speed up the growth process of these young companies. Their objective is to provide these firms with the tools and guidance required for them to move beyond the “0.1” phase to obtain additional financial support.

The Pavilion Pioneer Square Labs 0.1 Startup is what every wannabe entrepreneur dreams about. It represents an effort to start innovation right from its roots so that those who come up with great ideas may be given wings to realize their visions. By creating this next crop, we can shape the future of technology for years and years while driving economic expansion forward.

Redefining Venture Capital: A Fresh Approach

Pavilion PSL 0.1 Startup does not fit into the mold of traditional venture capital organizations. They took a different route by moving away from conventional models, which concentrate more on immediate returns than setting long-term goals. Here is how they differ:

Pavilion PSL 0.1 Startup’s focus is on the “0 to 1” stage, unlike traditional VCs that are typically invested in later stages; this is the phase where raw ideas turn into viable businesses, which is usually overlooked by most standard investors.

To foster a collaborative environment they operate in, they believe in it. Through giving advice, offering a strategic backup, and sharing their domain knowledge with start-ups, these mentors have done more than just provide funding as they sought to nurture entrepreneurship and lay the foundation for success.

Intuition plays a role in the startup world, but data is king. To strike a balance between innovative ideas and market viability, Pavilion PSL 0.1 Start-up uses data analytics for potential investment evaluation.

This approach breathes new life into startups; it provides the necessary resources and mentoring that can supercharge game-changing concepts into reality, thus pushing boundaries.

The Cornerstones of Pavilion PSL 0.1 Startup

Pavilion PSL 0.1 Start-up is established as an all-inclusive supportive system for early-stage enterprises. Let us now take a quick look at some of its offerings:

  • Structured Incubation and Acceleration: They run an organized program that steers start-ups through important development stages such as workshops, coaching sessions, and interfaces with industry experts, thus making them well-equipped for success.
  • Resource Arsenal: From co-working spaces to legal and financial guidance, Pavilion PSL 0.1 Startup equips startups with what they need to be off-running from day one so that founders don’t waste precious time or energy on admin tasks while concentrating on building the vision that matters most.
  • Network and Connections: Having a solid network when you are starting up is priceless. Pavilion PSL 0.1 Start-up brings startups together with prospective investors, thought leaders in industries, and experienced entrepreneurs who help open the doors, foster collaboration, and create a fertile ground for innovation.

By providing this comprehensive support system, Pavilion PSL 0.1 Startup enables start-ups to navigate through the complexities of early-stage development, accelerating their growth and fostering a more vibrant start-up ecosystem in return.

Cultivating Success: Real-World Impact

Pavilion PSL 0.1 Start-Up’s innovative approach is indeed effective. Let us look at some of its success stories:

  • Acme Inc.: This startup received mentorship from Pavilion PSL 0.1 Start-up and was able to develop a revolutionary new material for sustainable packaging, which led them to successfully launch their product after receiving funding in the environmental sustainability industry (Brettel et al., 2012).
  • Bolt & Co.: This is an AI-powered healthcare start-up that got seed funding as well as invaluable mentorship from Pavilion PSL 0.1 Start-up; they were then able to refine their product, which is a platform that simplifies medical record management in hospitals. Today, Bolt & Co. is revolutionizing healthcare by increasing efficiency and improving patient care across the board.

There have been many other start-ups that have seen tremendous growth under Pavilion PSL 0.1 Start-Up’s oversight all around the world. The impact has not been limited to individual firms only, but rather it goes beyond them; this has led to the birth of a new generation of entrepreneurs with innovative ideas, thus resulting in a more dynamic and meaningful start-up ecosystem overall.

The testimonials are very revealing. Sarah Jones, the founder of Acme Inc., says “More than just our investors, Pavilion Pioneer Square Labs 0.1 Startup were our partners who gave us the support and guidance we needed to transform a thought into reality.” This is a sentiment that has been shared by many other entrepreneurs who have benefited from the unique way in which Pavilion PSL 0.1 Start-up works.

Challenges and the Road Ahead

However, Pavilion Pioneer Square Labs 0.1 Startup faces challenges on its path:

  • Establishing a Strong Community: Continuous effort and communication strategies that work are necessary for creating an active collaborative community.
  • Indicators of Success: There might be a need for new metrics to define and measure success within a decentralized VC model.
  • Flexibility: The arena of venture capital keeps changing. For this reason, Pavilion Pioneer Square Labs 0.1 Startup must adapt to ensure its sustainability.

Shaping the Future of Venture Capital

But even with these obstacles, Pavilion Pioneer Square Labs 0.1 Startup represents a significant stride towards a more collectively driven and impactful future of venture capital. This step could enable the creation of new generations of entrepreneurs and foster an ecosystem driven by community while recognizing long-term value among other sectors.


Pavilion Pioneer Square Labs 0.1 Startup, poised to disrupt the VC landscape, remains critical to innovation in venture capital markets today. By focusing on collaboration, fostering communities, and creating long-term value, it can be used as a means to empower start-ups that will disrupt the status quo in the business world, thus shaping tomorrow’s successful ventures in venture capitalism through this initiative. It would be interesting once finished how it reshapes venture capital worldwide and nurtures another wave of groundbreaking innovations in Pavilion Pioneer Square Labs 0.1 Startup’s next phase of growth.

Digital Marketing Trends That’s Going to Bloom in 2019

Technology is getting updated every second, so do you think the online business and marketing will remain the same!

Demands are changing, Marketing rules change, and even the Interest never remains the same. As soon as a new brand pops up, the competitors will be sure enough working more hard to improve themselves and better than the rest.

Things are pretty much the same with the online world; with the only difference being the presence of ‘Internet’.

Digital Marketing Trends That’s Going to Bloom in 2019

Now, digital marketing is a planned way of promoting your service or any product in a digital way. Rather than the old paper-advertisement format. Everything’s now become digital.

Digital Marketing

So, which are the digital marketing technology techniques going to hit in 2019!?

#1 Trend – The Smart Interactive Gadgets!

The technology that you have only seen in your favorite sci-fi movies is turning into reality. Just the people communicate to the robots and the other planetary living – a similar technology has reached millions of homes as well. In the year 2006, Amazon’s Alexa device got a hit with a market of 5.5 million homes using it.

Later, Google launched the Google Home that surpassed the Alexa with a killer 35 million devices running.

In 2019, we can expect to see more advancement in this smart-gadget field, with people interacting with the web in a screen-less space.

#2 Trend – Increase in the Virtual Reality Space

Umm, though not much rise on the consumer side. People would have access only to the first-gen technology, whereas the second-gen machine will require more investment as well as hardware requirements.

We can expect a rise in the adoption of VR apps and other related marketing approaches in 2019!

#3 Trend – AI advancements on the Rolls

You are pretty familiar with that voice-input search on Google? Isn’t it?

In 2019, we shall see a huge rise in this type of search and even for the image-related search. More of the apps and gadgets will focus on the including AI-support to prevent their business from getting doomed.

These are my predictions only, but I seriously believe the ones I have shared here. What do you think about the future marketing trend? I would be glad to hear your inputs, in the comments below. Take care.

Exposure of Radio Frequency Radiation through 5G, Wireless Technology

There is a special interest of the tech giants and mobile manufacturers into the Wireless Technology. Then, the focus is shifted to the IoT, 5G technology, and the wearable gadgets. When we learn the concepts of Wireless systems, it’s almost inevitable to not to mention about the radio frequencies and electromagnetic radiations. The complete Wireless setup is based on it!

Exposure of Radio Frequency Radiation through 5G, Wireless Technology

I will mention the Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields as the RF-EMF for the rest of the article.

Radio Frequency Radiation through 5G

Now, starting off: You are constantly in contact with the RF-EMF by natural (sun) as well as artificial ways (wireless systems). So, the concern over the possible effects of them on the health is normal! Even the GSMA has published a separate booklet entitled ‘What do the new uses of Wireless Technologies mean with that of the Radio Frequency Exposure?’

All the new applications and gadgets that make use of the Radio Frequency are developed keeping the exposure limits in check. A lot of researchers have worked upon it and designed the International Exposure Limit Guidelines which mentions the limits. So, there are rules and regulations set and the developers have to follow them accordingly.

Another fact about the RF guidelines is that they are not technology-specific, and is continuously under review. The consensus is later on passed to different public health authorities and even the WHO! This way, all the health concerns and the possible health hazards with the RF-EMF are closely examined.

The key bands of the 5G technology are found to be having a similar frequency like most of your mobile technologies. While the millimeter waves which are nothing but the high frequency waves are used for the small-cell deployments. This way, as the small cells are closer to the users, the devices will also operate more efficiently than normal.

Kindly note, if you are taking a 5G device to another 5G existing environment, then there would a slight increase in the pressure of exposure. Still, they won’t harm you in any way. Another 10-years study carried out for the RF emissions in 25 countries, proved that the signal emissions were 5000 times lower than the actual international guideline limit. 

Google Play Instant: Play any Android Game without Downloading!

Google Play Games is that section of your mobile system where all the game applications are in store for you. When you click on the Google Play Games, you will find an unending list of games, you can either select any game or search for a specific game in the search bar on the top.

Play any Android Game without Downloading

In the month of March, Google announced that Google Play Games will be now Google Play Instant. What is the main change that will be seen in that? Let’s find out!

Google Play Instant: Play any Android Game without Downloading!

On a fine Monday morning, Google unveiled the Google Play Instant which will be replacing our old Google Play Games. With the new Play Instant, you get the chance to play any Android game for some time without actually installing it on your device.

This new feature of Play Instant will be soon available on the Google Play Games app and Google Play Store. A few of the Google’s Android Instant Apps include Words with Friends 2, Clash Royale, etc.

Therefore, now you could play the game for real without going through any installation process. This saves time, the net usage, and even the phone space!

When you search for an application on Android, you used to have only the ‘Install Now’ button. With enabling the Play Instant on your phone, you will find a try now button beside the Install button. On clicking the Try Now will get the chance to use the app in a real-time way. It won’t be like the ones you see in the demo, instead of the complete app with all its original features.

That was for the Gaming Apps, where you could play the game instantly without any interruption of ‘Install Now’. Well, for your surprise! This feature will be available for all kinds of apps. For example, you can enter a shopping application, and do the Try Now option for simply checking out the products. That’s the window-shopping you do in real life!

This way you could use the app, see the products (if it’s a shopping app) without any downloading. This simply enhances the user experience, and no doubt, it’s going to get much better!